Friday, February 17, 2012

Crazy Nicknames Celebs Give Their Followers

With Twitter dominating the pop culture, celebrities have taken to branding their followers with special monikers that range from the cute to the ridiculous.

The fan nickname is a badge that says your supporters are so devoted they would call themselves some goofy name just to further their association with you. Discover with us the rather ridiculous, sometimes clever, and always entertaining fan monikers inspired by today's biggest stars.

Little Monsters
Lady Gaga has the record for Twitter followers, so it's only fitting that she have a special name for her millions of social media lemmings. With her album The Fame Monster going platinum at the same time Gaga broke the record with her Twitter army, the pop star decided to stick with the theme and go with "Little Monsters" for her fan following.

Katy Cats
Katy Perry's image doesn't really have anything to do with felines, but that didn't stop her fans from deeming themselves "Katy Cats" simply because it sounded cool. The nickname found its way back to Perry, who used it as the inspiration for her perfume, which she named Meow!

If only because his legions of fans have a devotion that borders on religious, "Beliebers" strikes the right tone for Justin Bieber's followers. Whether or not they Belieb in Justincarnation as an afterlife remains to be seen.

If her boyfriend Justin Bieber has his own fan slang, then of course Selena Gomez has hers. Unfortunately, Gomez's "Selenators" nickname doesn't quite have the charm or creativity of "Beliebers." Being a Selenator sounds like you're a robot sent from the future to destroy pop music.

Unlike some of the other celebs on this list, Ke$ha decided to leave the whole made up moniker behind in favor of simply calling her followers "animals." Given her affinity for animal print unitards and her awkwardly inhuman stage presence, "animals" is strangely appropriate.

You'd think that with the first three letters of "love" in her last name, Demi Lovato and her supporters could have come up with something better than "Lovatics." Instead, they went with what could either be a play on a substance abuse problem or the clinical term for the mentally deranged.

When The Jersey Shore hit MTV in 2009, it was all about glamorizing the once derogatory "guido" term. The overly bronzed, heavily intoxicated group of Shore stars wanted to reclaim the word to give it a positive spin. Snooki, the Shore's most recognizable figure, went one step further, calling her Twitter followers "Tweedos."

Model and aspiring musician Amber Rose coined one of the more appropriate fan nicknames, referring to her Twitter followers as Rosebuds. It's a play on her name, a real thing, and contains a synonym for friend, so cheers to Amber for improving the creativity on this list.

Nicki Minaj has done her best to live up to the "Harujuku Barbie" image she established early in her career. In addition to the blond wigs and colorful costumes, Minaj has taken to calling her fans "Barbiez" or Barbz for short.

Kelly Clarkson comes off as a nice, modest girl, and that image is exemplified in the nickname she chose for her fans. Clarkson wants everyone to share in her success and believes everyone is famous in their own way. So if you follow Kelly, then you're a "Kellebrity."

The heavy makeup, the over-the-top hair, and the wide-ranging vocal register make Adam Lambert the closet thing to a glam-rock star American Idol has ever had. As such, he wasted no time playing up the image and crowning his fans "Glamberts."

Rihanna Navy
Rihanna took a page out of the KISS playbook by turning her fan following into a military operation. While KISS had their "Army," Rihanna is currently recruiting for her "Rihanna Navy." It's not exactly the most fluid or graceful sounding of nicknames, but it is the most intimidating.

Simply adding "–ies" to a celeb's last name isn't the most original or creative idea, but it seems to be the only option for Taylor Swift fans. Hopefully the "Swifties" don't get confused with the Swiftboat Vets or a Swiffer fan club.